i've always been a fan of my fathers photography, and his were basically the first pictures i remember ever looking at..he used to shoot with an old Mamiya 35mm SLR, and now shoots with his canon powershot..i tried to tell him last night that he takes good pictures and has a good eye and sense of composition and all of that kind of stuff and he just said something like "ahhh i just point the camera at what i like"...my father is very modest and is not one to point out how talented he is..so i will..haha..he has been a teacher for close to 40 years, and now he and my mom in a little community in N.C...i would love to go through all of his old surviving negatives and make a little book out of them..might be fun..anyway..i hope you enjoyed those pictures..

thats my dad (ed faulkner) on the right, my brother tim on the bike, me with the drop-kick shirt on, and my brother brian with football...
a) your fathers photographs are pretty amazing.
b) your post about them is very sweet.
c) I can't believe you were a blond.
I spy a garbage pail kids shirt I wouldn't mind getting my hands on!
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